Motivation to workout

As we are locked down in our homes, besides looking after our Nutrition, a lot of people find it difficult to be motivated to work out. I can understand that as homes are our comfort zones and we naturally unwind and relax there. And as you know, Environment is stronger than will power, home environment generally is not inspiring enough to workout in.
Since we don’t have much of an option nowadays, what changes can you make to your environment to be motivated to work out? For example, I have Images of some top level athletes around my house along with some basic training equipment. As we get adjusted to the new reality of living and working from home, what tiny changes can you make that will inspire you every day to move?
It is also important to have a compelling vision for your Dream body. Never give up on that. When I ask my Health Coaching clients at the beginning of their journey with me as to what kind of body do they aspire to, they often give me an ideal height-weight ratio that they want to achieve. Now, do you think that’s juicy or compelling enough to have us move our butt every day? It is also revealing of one’s psychology that we don’t even dream big enough or believe that we can achieve a lean, toned, fit body.
What is your compelling vision for your body? Find that and you will find a way. Paste a picture of your ideal body on your vision board. Take a picture of someone whose fitness level, body structure and workout ethic you admire and look at that image every day. And most of all believe, have a strong core belief that you can and will get there. Just one step at a time. 3 months from now, you will thank yourself.
Stay Safe, stay Fit, stay Amazing.
To your Peak Health

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